Upgrade Your Smile With Crown & Bridge Treatment

Crowns and bridges are two restorative treatments proudly offered by Dresher Family Dental Care in Dresher. These treatments often prevent further damage, more invasive dental work, and possibly even tooth loss.

What are crowns and bridges?

Crowns are caps that fit over a damaged tooth to restore its original shape, strength, and appearance. Meanwhile, bridges close the gap left by one or more missing teeth by combining crowns and artificial teeth to hold them in place.

What is involved in crown and bridge treatment?

Before commencing any treatment, you will receive a thorough examination and consultation from our experienced dentist. We will prepare the tooth, so our laboratory can create a custom-fitted crown that looks and functions like a natural tooth. We use digital scanning technology to design the right crowns or bridges for the unique contours of your tooth. Once we permanently attach the new crown, your smile will look, feel, and function naturally.

What are the benefits of crown and bridge treatment?

Crown and bridge treatments restore the strength of a damaged tooth, preventing further damage and improving overall dental health. It helps restore your smile with natural-looking restorations and redistributes the workload amongst your existing teeth for a more even bite.

Who is a good candidate for crown and bridge treatment?

If you've been dealing with cracked or broken teeth, tooth decay, discoloration, or missing teeth, crown and bridge treatments may be the right option for restoring your smile. A thorough consultation with our dentist is recommended to see if this treatment is right for you.

Schedule an appointment with Dresher Family Dental Care to learn more about crowns and bridges and how they can benefit you. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is here to address any questions or concerns you may have and set you on your way to optimum oral health!

Contact Dresher Family Dental Care About Crown & Bridge Treatment Today!

  • Restore the strength of damaged teeth
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Repair imperfections caused by decay
  • Improve the appearance of your smile
  • Significantly boost your self-confidence!

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